Danke an Tim R. Hier sind die dreistelligen Suffixe für iPhones, die in die Lesbarkeitsliste fallen danke Michael :.
Mein Problem-iPhone 6s ist offiziell nicht betroffen
Dies erstreckt sich über iPhone 5, iPhone 6, s, iPhone 7 Modelljahre, etc. Wenn Sie weitere Details über Seriennummern von iPhones wissen und wie man sie liest, lassen Sie uns in den Kommentaren wissen! Toggle navigation. Erfahren Sie mehr über ein iPhone von der Seriennummer.
iPhone 6s-Reparaturprogramm: Seriennummer-Prüfung jetzt auch online möglich
Ipad Anti-Glare iPad Bildschirmschoner. Lieferung Zeichnen. Und warum haben sie überhaupt genau dieses Modell gewählt? Subscribe to the OSXDaily newsletter to get more of our great Apple tips, tricks, and important news delivered to your inbox! Enter your email address below:. The last three digits are always specific to the phone itself, but the size and model code changes per generation. This almost assuredly is not entirely correct.
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Allowing only three characters as a unique identifier means that any given factory is limited to manufacturing no more than 46, units of a particular model in a given week. Given that Apple sold nearly three million iPhones on average each week of the previous quarter, this would mean that there are a lot of smaller factories rather than the larger factories that have been reported. While there are several different models making up the sales figures, the 16GB black model is significantly the volume seller.
This is quite funny, I got my iP4 in July last year I know, a bit late my previous phone had just died on me and the EE in the serial for color my color is DZ and and the storage is Z. I am curious what a Factory of 86 means, mine is A4T purchased early and everything else co-responds to this information. Its is the possessive. Is it a CDMA? But I doubt any of this actually applies to the 4S because the 4S has a 12 digit SN, while it seems older devices only have The G has something to do with date of manufacture but it is more complicated than the older format.
I had my 4s replaced after 40 days so it had to be a replacement unit.
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I am looking at my serial and it is mostly letters hence the above breakdown does not work for me. I work for Apple and can tell you that in no way shape or form can a user look at the SN and find out the DOP or where it was manufactured. There are SN that are all letters and some that are all numbers. There is no formula or a way to deicioher an iPhone serial number. I have a used motherboard and need a new back case for it.
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