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Morris and P. Their patience, quick decisions and attitude help enormously to run this operation. In the opposite corner, in my opinion, stand DCI S. No doubt, Tolkachev was a complex and delicate man to handle with many switches or problems; the author presented the long debates about his money demands, suicide-pill request, exfiltration plans or the difficult moments of that risky relationship. Fulton, G. Hathaway, B. Gerber or C. Gerbhardt; oddly, there is not a single paragraph about Murat Natirboff, who held this position from to Hoffman dedicated a good portion of the book for presenting the Cold War context or previous cases or other operations.
It is a sound idea: the readers can find compelling details about Penkovsky, Popov, Golitsin, Ogorodnik or Sheymov cases among others. CIA also made a huge mistake in protecting their source by losing three pages from a top-secret Tolkachev document, a fact revealed on page Moreover, he compromised the technical deficiencies of the Soviet SAM radars to intercept penetrators at low altitudes B-1 B bomber or cruise missiles. Never before a U. As the author stated, his intelligence produced a major impact on the training of US pilots and ensured that US would enjoy almost total air superiority over Soviet-built fighters for more than two decades.
Tolkachev and some case officers. Energetically written and lucid, it makes an ideal lecture for all Cold War enthusiasts, buffs and pros alike. Highly recommended! Original research makes "The Billion Dollar Spy" much more than just a rehash of the known facts of a decades-old case. Former Washington Post investigative reporter David E. Hoffman has unearthed a trove of documents and interviewed dozens of sources.
The result is an authentic contribution to our knowledge of Cold War history. While he might not have spoken the last word, this outstanding book is likely to be as close as any Western journalist is able to come for the foreseeable future. One wonders if it has been optioned for a movie, perhaps something along the lines of Billy Ray's "Breach.
From early on, Washington wrestled with the dilemma that, although we knew this Soviet scientist was putting his life in danger, his information was so valuable that we were reluctant to exfiltrate him.
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The Agency was the addict, and he was for a time virtually the only supplier. To be fair, ultimately it was Tolkachev himself who insisted on continuing his work, thus placing both himself and his unwitting family at risk. Still, we never put our foot down.
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Looking at the degree of incompetence they displayed, it is hard to dispute this assessment. For instance, when Soviet sources started to disappear, Washington reflexively reacted by suspecting the Marines and low-level Russian help in the US embassy, launching an extended and mostly fruitless witch-hunt. Though some leaks were found remember Clayton Lonetree? Without exception, they turned out to be red-blooded Americans in the homeland, including Aldrich Ames and the deeply religious Bob Hansson.
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It seems, though, that the first to betray Tolkachev was Edward Lee Howard. Only at the last minute, when he failed one lie detector test after another, did they unceremoniously cut him loose and cast him back into civilian life, without bothering to provide effective counseling or later checking up on him regularly.
Tolkachev betrayed his country because it had unjustly imprisoned and executed close family relatives; Howard because he felt disrespected. Ihr Shop.