The OnePlus 6T is easily one of 's best value phones for many reasons, especially when it comes to rooting and modding. But like many new phones, it's plagued with the single bottom-firing speaker that left us wanting more in the sound department.
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The speaker is decent on its own, but it appears to have some hidden potential at the same time. According to App Annie, the average person's phone contains 60—90 apps. Such a large amount can easily crowd an app drawer, especially since the same source states that only about 30 are used in a month. Having a way to organize apps in the app drawer can help you avoid wasting time searching. Magic Leap continues to launch new AR apps on its fledging app store before the door closes on , and this time the app is a sequel from a veteran VR developer and early Magic Leap development partner.
As highlighted in our article on how to enable Google Now in Action Launcher, doing so takes away the Quickdrawer.
This effectively ruins one of the more beneficial features of Action Launcher, making it a tough choice between the two options. So I looked for a solution and found one that works. When you set up your MyFitnessPal account for the first time, it asks for a checklist of personal info to create nutrition and fitness goals for you.
If your doctor or nutritionist recommends a new plan, or you simply want to change up your routine, you can customize your weekly and daily goals. One of the most useful features of the Pixel Launcher is access to the Google Discover page. Initially, this feature was exclusive to Google's launchers, forcing users to give up the customization of apps like Action Launcher if they wanted the quick access to relevant news and updates it provided.
Fortunately, this is no longer the case. Mobile augmented reality pioneer Blippar has now completed its fall from hopeful AR startup to the immersive computing history books. It's only normal to snack on a few french fries every once in a while when you're on a diet, but it's still important to hold yourself accountable, even when you cheat just a little bit. MyFitnessPal, for both Android and iOS devices, has a database of nutritional information to help keep track of the meals you eat, but it also has a way to add calories on the fly without digging for data.
The wildfires that spread across Northern California for two weeks in November were among the deadliest and most destructive in the state's history.
Ultimately, the incident claimed 85 lives, and hundreds of people are still missing in the wake of the disaster, which impacted over , acres of land. The 5 Most Innovative Augmented Reality Products of In , augmented reality went from the vague promise of interesting things in the near future to tangible developments in software and hardware, proving that immersive computing is indeed the future. Generate a Clickjacking Attack with Burp Suite to Steal User Clicks Users are often the weakest link when probing for vulnerabilities, and it's no surprise they can be easily fooled.
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