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Assuming it is a reasonable filesize, it will help me establish if it is actually the correct resolution for uploading among other things. I am sorry I cannot be of any more advanced help, I have never actually used the software you are using before. I finally was able to upload to YouTube and have it appear as p. The problem seems to be in the PMB software by Sony that is installed on the PC to process the video from the camcorder. There is a tool in the PMB application for uploading to YouTube, but that does seem to downgrade the resolution.

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What worked was to open my YouTube account, click Upload there, and then navigate on my PC to find the right file to upload. I uploaded that file to YouTube using the Youtube uploader, and that worked to get a clip that would later play in p. One of the comments by Flygon was what led to the solution. It was to avoid the PMG uploader and to upload directly using the Youtube default uploader.


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