I wouldn't recommend enlarging them beyond 4.
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The tones were excellent. White balance seems to be excellent also. AF works perfectly and instantly. A couple of scenes that were backlit were on the dark side, but other backlit scenes were perfect. This lightweight, solidly built small camcorder is a joy to use. Sony handycam zebra. I highly recommend it.
Sony DCR-DVD Camcorder 2,7 Zoll: 1stclass-ltd.com: Kamera
Consumer Reports rates this camcorder as the top pick along with the other Sony camcorders in this lineup. This is truely the best camcorder you can buy for the price. See my still photos of flowers above. This really seems to be almost too good to be true.
Spitzenrezensionen Neueste zuerst Spitzenrezensionen. Hervorragende Nachtaufnahmen Diese Funktion verwendet Infrarotlicht, um selbst in völliger Dunkelheit Bilder aufnehmen zu können. Was ist mspy? Sie können die Geräte auch manuell koppeln.
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Vollständige technische Daten und Funktionen;. Es sieht so aus, als wäre in Ihrem Browser JavaScript deaktiviert. These were taken while I was shooting video.
This was the first time I used the camcorder. One person found this helpful. CX - Camcorder Verified Purchase. My mom is technologically challenged. I still have to set up recordings for her on the DVR, but this she was able to figure out without problems. I left her the camera when I went into the hospital to have my son and she had no problem using the camera for recording and watching video. I've used it and love it. I love how I can just open it and start recording and then close it and it turns off.
When you have kids--you want to be able to grab the camera and start recording right away. This camera not only does that but the video is gorgeous. I hardly ever use it to shoot videos, but as a still photo camera that I can put in my pants pocket.
DigitalVideoCamera Recorder Sony "Handycam"
I took it twice on vacation as my photo camera. BLOG www. Wings Platinum Software Makro-, Foto- Zubehör Schnäppchen-Seite, etc.
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